Narration Voice Over Services

Narration Voice Over Services

Educational Narration

Storytelling or Narration is often integrated with classroom and training videos. Adding sound to e-learning modules help students absorb information more efficiently and reduce the amount of text on the screen that they need to read. So why is it so important to use professional language talent for e-learning products? There are several reasons for this: Professional language talent can record material with the right tone, pronunciation, and learning speed. Because e-learning, unlike commercial sound, usually requires longer narrative time, experienced language talent can read material more consistently. This is very important when registering several e-learning modules. A professional needs less time to seamlessly and smoothly record a long module, just because it's his job. Using non- professionals unavoidably requires greater withdrawals, resulting in inefficient use of studio time, higher costs, and possible schedule delays.

Storytelling can be an important part of teaching, distinguishing between professionals and amateur products.

Commercial Narration

If you choose professional voiceover talents to record the story of your project, you are telling your customers not to be in vain. Although this removes the barrier to the entry of new language talents, it does not create magic professionals. It takes years for experienced storytellers to perfect their skills. As you can imagine, audiobook writing requires other skills for other commercial language projects and even other acting assignments. It takes a lot of discipline and the ability to record multiple sessions while maintaining the same consistency that audio the book can do.

Entertainment Narration

Lingual Center is intended for commercial and entertainment sector clients. We offer speakers for television, digital and radio advertising. Animated films and television programs; and video games, audiobooks, documentaries, podcasts, and other new technology.

Lingual Center

Some of our prestigeous clients